lncense History & more ...

The burning of Incense has a spiritual and symbolic meaning in several cultures. Some use it as a way to remove negative energy, others use it in conjunction with spells and chants to achieve something they desire.

Although the symbolic meaning of the burning of Incense differs from culture to culture and between religions, its basic idea is generally the same.  Whether a prayer or spell, people burn the Incense in hopes that their desires will reach whatever god or divine entity they believe will hear and consider their request. Incense is commonly found burning alongside a burnt offering or sacrifice of some sort. People would do this as a way to please God and pray to him.


The first recorded use of Incense was by the Egyptians during the Fifth Dynasty.

Incense use in religious ritual was simultaneously developed in China, and eventually spread across the Eastern Continent to Korea, Japan, Cambodia, and the Philippines.

Incense has an important role in East Asian Buddhist ceremonies. It is reputed to be a method of Purifying the surroundings, bringing forth an assembly of Buddhas, Gods, Demons, etc. In Chinese Taoist and Buddhist temples, the inner spaces are scented with thick COILED INCENSE, which are either hung from the ceiling or on special stands. The formula and scent of the Incense sticks used in various temples throughout Asia vary widely.

lncense in India

It has been used since 3,600 BC. Incense is a traditional and universal practice in almost all Pujas, Prayers, and other forms of worship.

As part of the daily ritual worship within the Hindu tradition, Incense is offered to God in His deity forms, such as Krishna and Rama. This practice is still common place throughout modern-day India and Hindus all around the world by using Incense and offerings each day by temple priests or by those with an altar in their homes and businesses.

Traditionally, the Benzoin resin and Gugal resin, from a tree similar to Myrrh, were used as Incense in ancient India. These resins would be spilled over embers which would give out perfumed smoke. However, the majority of the modern-day Incense of India is mostly of a Chemical Base rather than the Natural Ingredients.

Contemporary Judaism

 Aromatic Spices are still used in a ritual known as the Havdalah ceremony to end the Sabbath. Some Jews study the composition of the Ancient Temple Incense as described in the Bible, for use in the Temple as part of daily Jewish services.

ln lslamic belief

Incense is used in several events and ceremonies, most notably the regular rite of Purifying and Cleansing Temples in Mecca. It is to perfume the air and uplift the souls of pilgrims.  Aloes-wood is used in their censers. Olive tree leaves are also burnt as Incense in some Muslim Mediterranean countries.


The burning of Incense can be related to themes of worship, like confessions, prayers, and celebrations. Often times, Incense is normally burned with spices, these represent truth and faith, with the comforting and pleasing aromas they give representing all that is gratifying. Incense and the practice of burning it can be found in several places in the Bible. This includes several places in Exodus, Leviticus, and even Psalms. 

lncluding Catholics

 Incense and the burning of it , is conducted in a similar way as Christians, largely as a symbol of prayer and petition. Priests can still be found burning some Incense during a service today although it was more common in Ancient Times.  It emits a lovely and welcoming aroma when burned, especially when additional perfumes are added to it before it’s burned. The smoke that Incense emits when it’s burned can also be symbolic of Blessing and Purification, which is a huge part of the Catholic lifestyle and rituals. 

lncense is often used in Pagan rituals

It is used to represent the element of Air, although more modern approaches to Incense magic demonstrate that Incense actually represents all of the elements.  Natural Incense is used during Spells, Incantations, and other practices where they burn different fragrances due to their diverse meanings and purposes.

We only stock Natural lncense

It is also believed to release Natural Energy meaning the use of "Perfumed", "Dipped", or Synthetic Incense is generally AVOIDED, since Artificial Materials are believed to lack energies useful for magic.

Some lngredients used in the making of lncense are . . .

Many Different Herbs

Some common herbs can be burned for, Protection, Confidence, Strength, and Healing.

Various Flowers

 Flowers can be burned for Prosperity, Wealth, Joy, and an Uplifting of the Spirits.

Myrrh ~ Frankincense

 Many resins can be burned to Increase, Enhance Focus, Motivation, Mental Clarity, and Balance.

A Few Spices

Commonly burned for feelings of Calm, Peace, and Tranquillity.

Most Citrus Fruit

This is burned to increase Luck, Enhanced Wisdom, Wealth, Love, and Divination.

Copal ~ Juniper

Purification, Spiritual Cleansing, and Cleansing Physical Items and Spaces of Negative Energies.

Pine ~ Sage ~ Cedar

These ingredients can be burned to Protect Against Evil Spirits and other Unwanted Entities.

Sandalwood ~ Palo Santo

Burned to Exorcise Evil Spirits and Ghosts while Attracting Good and Helpful ones at the same time.

and more . . .

At Scented and more, we have found some of the most Natural, Pure and High Quality Incense avaliable. Most of the brands are unfamiliar to the general public and occasional users of Incense, so we have made it our mission to introduce our brands to new customers because we know that, like many of our existing regular customers, ALL new purchasers will NOT return to their old brands once they’ve tried our Products.

We offer Natural Wellbeing Products in several different styles plus as you would expect, we have researched into ALL our Scented products to learn more about their Ingredients, Production Methods, Benefits and Properties in order to find Natural & Pure alternatives to the familiar products people normally buy and we ALWAYS Source our products from Ethical and Authentic, Reputable Outlets.

We are proud to say,

“We’ve tried the REST so you can buy the BEST”.

Namaste, Babs & Brian.