DlD YOU KNOW..? ‘Dragons Blood’ Explained

DRAGON’S BLOOD comes from a tree
Dracaena Draco, the Canary Islands Dragon Tree or Drago, in Latin, is a subtropical tree in the genus Dracaena, native to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Madeira, the Atlas Mountains of Western Morocco, and is thought to be introduced in the Azores. Its closest living relative is the Dragon Blood Tree of Socotra, Dracaena Cinnabari.

A Special Tree . . .
This TREE has been used as an Incense in the Kabbalah or Classical Jewish religion since Ancient Times as it adds a natural potency to any ritual. Dragon Trees are now protected, as they were over-harvested in Bygone days.

~ The name of this product comes from name of the tree, Dragon Tree or Drago, and the RED Resin, which is taken from the inside of the tree’s truck, HENCE “Dragon’s Blood.”
~ In Chinese culture, the resin from this tree was crushed and mixed to a paste that was then used as an Ink during their Writing and Calligraphy.
~ Dragons Blood comes in many forms like Incense, Smudge Stick, Powder, Resin or just as sticks, chips, and logs of wood and is traditionally burned for Love and Protection.

Our "Dragon's Blood" lncense contains both the resin and its bark.
The scent of burning Dragon's Blood varies due to the type of plant from which it was harvested, along with the type and quantity of impurities the plant may contain.

~ Dragon's Blood Resin from these trees was harvested for Mummification in Ancient Times.
~ Burning Dragon Blood Oil increases its Therapeutic and Medicinal Properties.

~ Ancient people made Dragon's Blood bark in to Shields, together with the tree’s leaves they used it as a Colour for their hair red and hollowed out dead trees for beehives.

~ Some Natural handmade Incense Powder blends can give a greater energy be used to drive Evil and Negativity away.

We would like to remind our customers that, some poorly made Incense products give off an Unpleasant Tar Odour instead of a "Sweet Smell & Uplifting Aroma" this is due to the Toxic Ingredients used in production which includes Chemicals and cheap alternatives to "Natural & Pure Wood and Resins" ~ please be careful what you buy . . .