DlD YOU KNOW . . . ? A Myrrh Tree has many uses . . .

Myrrh is an Aromatic Gum Resin, it comes from THORNY TREES native to regions of Somalia and Ethiopia, its resin has a waxy texture and once gathered and dried, it becomes glossy and hard.
Myrrh is traditionally collected during the Autumn season, as it is believed to be more potent at this time of year.

DlD YOU KNOW …? lts History . . .
The name MYRRH (pronounced "mur") is derived from the Arab word 'mar' which means 'bitter', it is an expensive Spice. Its name entered the English language from the Hebrew Bible.
In biblical times, Myrrh was an important trade item obtained from Arabia, Abyssinia, and India. It is mentioned as a rare Perfume in several places in the Hebrew Bible and as an ingredient in the Holy Anointing Oil used to Bless the Tabernacle, High Priests, and Kings.

& MORE History
Myrrh dates to about 5th century BC when it was used as an important ingredient by the Egyptians, along with natron, for the embalming of mummies and for removing disguising foul smells.
A papyrus written around 1500 BCE contains over 800 medicinal formulas, many of which are based on a mixture of Honey and Myrrh.
Used in Religion

Myrrh formed an important part of many early religious cultures and contributed to many religious ceremonies, when burnt on charcoal Myrrh Resin releases an earthy and sweet aroma.
Used in Medicine

Myrrh mixed with wine was common across Ancient Cultures as a painkiller.
Used in Perfume

Myrrh Resin has been used throughout history as a Perfume, Incense, and Medicine.
DlD YOU KNOW …? Myrrh works well with other lngredients
- Myrrh is rarely used alone. Its character is somewhat flexible depending on what it’s blended with.
- MYRRH and FRANKINCENSE have different symbolic representations of humanity – “the Good and the Bad or the Sweet and the Bitter”.
- Myrrh is the “Bad”, Bitter and Pungent with a history of being used to nurse Aches, Sprains, Inflammatory and Bruises, it even dressed Jesus’ wounds at the time of his burial.
- In contrast, Frankincense is “the Good”, Sweet and Spicy, as described in ancient Biblical scriptures.
- As a complement to Frankincense, when Myrrh is burned, the two have Unmatched Power as they extensively help in expanding Inner Wisdom, Healing, and Meditation in Yoga practice.

lt is used for many reasons
- Myrrh and Frankincense are powerful elements when used to Purify and Protect, Cleanse the Environment, Attract Prosperity, Abundance, and Blessings.
- In Islam, Muhammad said, "Fumigate your houses with Mugwort, MYRRH and Thyme." Myrrh is one of the most powerful scents for CLEANSING, along with Californian White Sage or Frankincense.
When used jointly, they strike a balance in our lives, with their Aromatic Incense.
Banish Negative Energy creating a Peaceable Spiritual atmosphere for Meditation and Prayer.
- Traditionally Myrrh Oil is mixed with Frankincense and sometimes more scents.
- It is still used by many churches of both Eastern and Western churches to prepare for various Sacraments because of their AROMATIC SCENTED properties.

DlD YOU KNOW . . . ? lt has a great Fragrance
- The FRAGRANCE of Myrrh is said to help with Centring and Connecting to a Spirit, to elevate the Mind and to aid in Visualization and aid in Meditation .
- Myrrh ESSENTIAL OIL is distilled from the resin and is moderately expensive compared to other Essential Oils. The pure Essential Oil is gummy and sticky and needs to be thinned to be free-flowing. Myrrh OIL contains a complex bouquet of chemical compounds and is NOT easily Synthesized or Mimicked.
- Incense has held its significant value from Ancient Times and it still holds great importance in human practices and daily life, today. Its mention in the New Testament, Myrrh is an INCENSE offered during some Christian Celebrations throughout the world.
- In its ground form, it adds depth to the Fragrance of Incense because of this Myrrh has always been an important trade commodity valued for its multiple benefits.
- Myrrh INCENSE has many benefits in Healing, Balancing Emotions, and is believed to Attract Deities and Spiritual Energies.
- As an INCENSE, Myrrh can lead to rich and rewarding Meditation. It is used to Heal Personal Sorrow and to Connect with the Dead and the Underworld.

DlD YOU KNOWN . . . ? As a RESlN
- Myrrh RESIN is extracted by piercing the bark of the tree to collect the nuggets of dried sap. Myrrh’s reputation as a funerary herb, these pieces are sometimes called “tears.”
- The RESIN is still used today in the perfume industry because of its appealing aroma.It has a calming effect on the Mind by preventing Panic or Anxiety and has a Relaxing Effect on the Breathing System and Heart Rate.
DlD YOU KNOW …? As a Medicine
In the contemporary world, Myrrh like Frankincense, is being tested to use as an anti-cancer agent.
Myrrh is used in Ayurveda medicine, where it is considered still to be one of the best substances for the treatment of Circulatory Problems, Nervous System Disorders, and Rheumatic Complaints.

DlD YOU KNOW . . . ? You can Buy it On-line
As well as being used regularly as a treatment of everyday ailments such as general Pain Relief for Toothaches, Gum Problems, and general mouth care.
It was also used for Respiratory Problems such as Colds, Flu, and Bronchitis.
Used by Vets

A Compound Tincture, or Horse Tincture, using Myrrh is used in veterinary practice for Healing wounds.
Used to help common problems

Myrrh gum is commonly claimed to remedy Indigestion, Ulcers, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Lung Congestion, Arthritis Pain, and EVEN Cancer.
Used by everyone

In traditional Chinese medicine, myrrh is classified as bitter and spicy, with a neutral temperature. It is said to have special efficacy on the Heart, Liver, and Spleen as well as "blood-moving" powers recommended for Rheumatic, Arthritic, and Circulatory problems.